CNA Salary Details

CNA Salary Details

Considering many jobs in the medical field, a career as Certified Nursing Assistant can be taken as one of the most important and challenging one. This is a job that makes its place in nursing careers. The salary range of CNAs is quite handsome but they can not make it as much as Registered Nurses do. It can vary according to the environment in which they practice, such as in home care or elderly care they might get $12.00 to $14.00 per hour to $13.00 to $20.00 in hospitals. Extra benefits may or may not be included.

The salary range also varies according to the states or cities they work. For example, the CNA salary range in New York State is around $21000 to $36000 as compared to state of Florida which is around $19500 to $34500. A biggest factor to be considered in the salary range is the experience. As the experience gets higher and higher the pay scale becomes bigger and bigger. Look at this, a fresher Certified Nurse Aide with an experience of less than one year gets around $20000 a year, whereas a CNA with five to nine year experience gets $33000 per annum easily.

Nowadays, a huge increase in the salary range of CNAs is observed in US due to increase in their demand. Majority of CNAs are earning $20000 to $30000. But, in some exceptional cases, they are earning up to $35000 also.

The difference in the above salary structure is because of their experience, CNA certification and their location of work. They become as good as Registered Nurses but the only fact is they don’t possess medical training. After having a CNA certification one can join a healthcare facility very conveniently and also get an easy increase in the salary as compared to the non certified nursing assistant.

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