How to Establish and Develop an International Career and Job

How to Establish and Develop an International Career and Job

Developing an international career may appear a big dream, it is achievable once you are determined to achieve it. This article provides the practical advice and guidelines that will transform your career path positively.

Go you have a specific country or region in mind?

It helps a great deal if you have a particular country where you love to work. Once established, then all other factors pertaining to your career in the country becomes clearer, for example the need to adapt to the country’s cultural values, political terrain and legal requirements..

Do you need to learn a foreign language

It is an advantage if you know the language of the country where you want to work. Imagine your employer is considering a staff for a foreign post: they will give preference to you if you are conversant with the language of the native, especially if you face competition from your colleagues. You are advised to start learning and developing your language skills of the country you are passionate about.

Starting point

Seek employment in your dream country. Once you get one, it gives you easier access to enter the country. Inform your superior or employer that you are interested working in their foreign office. Seek advice from them on their requirements that will qualify you to handle their overseas operation, then work towards attaining it.

Broaden your scope

If your current employer does not operate in your dream country, seek opportunities in other organisations, particularly from multinationals. Some big companies advertise vacant posts on the internet. apply for them using relevant websites.

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Read press reports on organisations’ overseas projects. Multinationals on projects in new territories, regions or countries will obviously need staff to operate on their behalf. Newspapers and international publications will often provide such information. Once you get a clue about a company’s international program, you should visit the companies for more facts. Seek opportunities to submit speculative application letters and your updated curriculum vitae.

Membership of International Groups

Become a member of the international association of your profession. attend their meetings to meet key officials who can advise and direct you on best ways of using the association to get recommendation for international postings. Contribute write-ups to the journals of the institute. ensure you establish the right contacts that will be of benefit to your career development. Establish contacts with similar organisations in your proposed country as well as keeping in touch with employers in that country who need to know your career plan and how much you can be useful to them.

Handling your family

If you are married (perhaps with children) you may have to consider the possibility of leaving your family behind for sometime while you settle in your new job and environment. At the initial stage employer may not have immediate resources to accommodate your family. You may however ensure you make provisions for the livelihood of your family you are leaving behind.

Documentation/Legal papers

Find out and clarify issues pertaining to work permit, visas and relevant legal documents that are necessary for your residence, permission to work in that country. It is advisable to sort-out all these before you travel.

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Once you enter the new country, contact and inform the officials of your country’s embassy/high commission of your stay and mission in that country. Find out from them about possible security measure that are needful for you to take.

On the whole, research and experience have proven that people who follow these paths have succeeded in developing international career and getting jobs overseas. You too can ‘s certain.
