Professional Therapy – Continuing Education

Professional Therapy – Continuing Education

When it comes to professional therapy, continuing education is not only a good idea, but it is mandated in most states to remain licensed. Because most mental health professionals do not have the time to attend strict college classes to further their learning, there are many programs available that count as accredited ways in which a therapist can satisfy those requirements. If you are a licensed therapist looking for creative and convenient ways in which to meet your therapy continuing education requirements, read on for some of the best choices available.

The American Psychological Association is a good research resource for those looking to further their learning credits. They offer a number of ways in which the professional therapist can ear such credits, such as through their APA Online Academy. This service offers multimedia presentations in a series of online courses available at all hours so it is convenient to any schedule. These kinds of classes and presentations can be extremely useful, as they can be completed on an individual time frame and you can work at your own pace, going back as needed to review the material a second or third time. There is an exam at the end.

For other possibilities, those looking for therapy continuing education credits should avail themselves of other websites that offer similar courses. Some of these websites offer discussion boards, up to date articles, and podcasts of lectures from prominent individuals in the field of psychology and psychiatry. The discussion boards on these sites can act as a useful resource to find other ways to earn credits. Listening to current podcasts from advanced therapists can be a great way to stay on top of the latest concepts and methods in the field.

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It should be noted that different states have different requirements when it comes to what percentage of credits can be made up of distance or independent learning. Most states will require at least a portion of the learning to be done in a classroom or workshop setting. Check your local state laws and licensing requirements to see where your state is at when it comes to these percentages.

Many states also have imposed specific requirements when it comes to the type of learning necessary to renew a license. For instance, California demands that a portion of therapy continuing education credits come from family and couples training, as this tends to make up a great deal of the average psychologist’s slate. Other states may have similar requirements pertaining to various aspects of psychology.
