A Typical Week of an Online Student

A Typical Week of an Online Student

Time is a huge factor for working professionals. Between their jobs, family, and extracurricular activities they tend to keep very busy. Adding school on top of their already busy schedule is a huge commitment. There is a lot to consider when applying to different graduate programs. One must take everything into consideration and choose the best program for them. Since online education has become very popular with adult students we decided to talk about what one should expect when enrolling in an online class. We will take you through a week of an online student.

Jessica is 28 years old, married, with one child. She works 40-50 hours a week as a manager of a call center. There is a lot of potential within her current company to advance her career so she has decided to enroll in an online MBA program. She hopes the MBA program will open more doors for her and accelerate her career. The first thing Jessica did was gain the support of her family and close friends before committing to the program.

Now that Jessica is in her third class she has a routine down so she can be successful in her program, at her job, and also spend time with her family. Every Monday she takes her child to daycare, reports to work, and then picks her child up. Once she gets home she cooks dinner and relaxes for about an hour. Once her child is asleep she logs into her virtual classroom and begins her coursework. She checks her syllabus to see what is due this week and completes her discussion board posting. After a long day she falls asleep. On Tuesday Jessica works the late shift so she logs into her class in the morning to read any posts or announcements made by her professor. She also works on her weekly assignments. Wednesday is her day off. She takes a relaxing walk in the park with her child and husband and does not log into her online class. Thursday is another busy day for Jessica. She wakes up early, takes her child to daycare, and reports to work. When she gets home she submits her discussion board posting and completes her weekly paper. On Friday, she wakes up early to submit her weekly paper and reports to work. Finally, the weekend as arrived and Jessica can relax. Jessica will typically log into the course over the weekend to prepare for the following week’s assignments.

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