Design A Career That Fits You!

Design A Career That Fits You!

Do you have a favorite hobby, skill, or talent that you’d like to parlay into a career? Don’t know where to start? Read on for some great tips.

We all have favorite skills, hobbies, and talents. Most of us dream of using one or more of these in a career. We daydream about having our lives exactly how we’d love for them to be. We think how it would be if we could do something fun, easy, and enjoyable for a job. Well, many have taken the steps to make their ‘dream career’ a reality. It is possible.

Tip 1. Believe in the possibility of making your ‘dream career’ a reality. Enough musicians, actors, artists, athletes, and others have turned their favorite pastime into successful careers, why not you? Often the dynamic difference between those who do and those who don’t is founded in the belief of whether or not it’s possible. Of course it’s possible, but usually the question beneath the question is, ‘am I willing to do what it takes to succeed?’ If there is one step that is most important in making your dream career a reality, it’s this: Believe it’s possible. Believe it can be done. Believe you can do it. Believe it’s worth it. Because it is.

Tip 2. Commit. The second most important tip I could give on career design is to make a commitment to making your dream a reality. Whether it’s becoming a baseball game announcer, a blockbuster film screenwriter, or a phenomenal artist, committing yourself to your lofty dream is a must do. Why? If you never commit to making your career dream a reality, then your efforts will be wrought with self-sabotage, half-heartedness, and the thorns of distraction. If it’s just a dream, not a commitment, you won’t do ‘whatever it takes’ to make it happen.

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Tip 3. Identify. What is it you really want to do? You may already know, or you may have a vague idea, or maybe no idea at all. In order to go for it, you have to have a destination plotted on your map or you’ll be forever drifting. Start with making a list of what you must have in your ‘perfect career’. Think of more than what you’d earn, where would you work? For whom? Doing what? How often? If you get stumped, you can always make a list of the things you don’t want in a career and use that list to come up with what you would want.

Hope these three tips help you to construct a career that’s a perfect fit for you!
