Do You Have A Life Plan?

Do You Have A Life Plan?

Do you have a life plan for your life? This does not involve just a career path. When my granddaughter was born, I began thinking more how I want to live my life. I wanted her in my life. This means, my life as I now know it has to change. I cannot just willy-nilly do what I want. I have to carve out a time to be with her. This involves taking in my daughter’s plan and planning ahead. How do I want to live my life?

I find that there are things that get in the way of me living the life I want to live. I have to work, but do I have to put in the extra hours that I do not get paid for? Do I really need to watch that TV show? TV will always be there, but my granddaughter will grow-up without me, if I let the time pass by. I like writing, so I need to carve out a time for writing. Soon my book will be published and I will have to be on the marketing circuit to get it out. I need to build these things around my granddaughter.

I want to spend more time with my husband who is a recluse. It takes a lot for me to get him out of the house. I do not want us to wallow in the empty-nest syndrome and I feel that is where he is stuck. All of this means me changing my schedule. This will take a lot for me to do. It takes a commitment on my part. We need to plan a life together where we each have our own time and where we have together time. Then we need grandma and grandpa time. We are grandparents and need to work as a team. This will take practice. It has been twenty-seven years since we have had a little one under our feet. This will take an adjustment on our part.

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My life plan includes writing another book. This will take time and I will have to carve out time to write it without compromising all of my other goals for my life plan. I write for my Blog and for EzineArticles. I need to carve out time to keep these up and running. Besides working as a therapist, writing is my avocation and I have to write to keep up my craft and push myself to get beyond where I am. This is not a daily activity, but I am thinking of changing my writing habits to make my life plan work. This will mean not just writing two days a week, but getting up early and writing every day so I can reach my life goal of writing my second book as well as keep up with my Blog and article writing as well as continue working as a therapist.

Creating your life plan is not an easy thing to do. These are only a few things I would like to do. Retirement is a different phase and I will soon have to include this in my life plan. Plus, I have to factor in life events and health concerns. All in all, I want to start my life plan today. What are you waiting for? What is your life plan? Have you thought that far ahead? It is never too soon to start. I never thought I would be where I am today if you asked me 10 years ago. Then, I did not have a life plan. This is new to me too. Get started today. What do you have to lose?

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