How Effectively Can You Provide Class Credits and Certificates?

How Effectively Can You Provide Class Credits and Certificates?

The online class management solution (CMS) lets you effectively manage your classes and training sessions from a single integrated platform. With this software, you can create any number of classes or courses across multiple locations. Students and professionals interested to attend these classes or workshops can easily sign up by logging into the registration portal. They can fill up the registration details as and when they want to. Class coordinators can customize the registration page to add a theme or a specific look to it.

The class management solution includes the feature of awarding class credit or certificates. After the successful completion of each class or training, you will be issuing these to the students. The web-based class management solution allows you to create your own custom certificates and award the students with them upon the successful completion of a course.

Tracking and managing your classes effectively can be a problem, especially for organizations holding sessions across many areas and multiple time zones. The CMS service lets organizations easily track the course credits or hours and also helps them in issuing certificates to students on completion of training sessions. The automated credit tracking and certification management will reduce your administrative workload’ giving you more time to complete your other necessary tasks.

Listed below are the benefits of using automated class credits and certificates:

You can Create a Number of Certificates

Yes, it’s true! You can create an indefinite number of certificate templates for your classes and students.

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Efficiently Manage Your Credits

Managing the class credits or hours has never been so easy. Class coordinators can include in the certificates the number of hours offered for each training.

Design the Best-looking Certificates

You can design and deliver certificates with beautiful and professional looks for your class/training participants. Send the certificates online to your students and they can take the print outs at home anytime they wish to. You can also send automatic emails with the “Print-at-Home” certificates to your students after they pass out successfully.

Keep a Track of Each Credit Issued

With the CMS in use, you can easily keep a track of all the class credits and certificates issued to past or present classes.

Eliminate Data Inaccuracy

You can avoid any kind of factual error once you start using the highly advanced class management service. The solution helps to lessen your administrative task and thereby, save your precious time and energy to look more into the enhancement of your future programs.
