How to Be a Genius Person

Everyone want to be a genius. Having a genius brain is not easy. But it can be trained by self-taught. You can learn how to be a genius person here. It will help you to train your brain in simple ways.

In this era, it is easy to get any kinds of information through the internet. You do not have to be genius since you were born. You can be a genius person anytime. There is no limitation of age for it. The geniuses only succeed in using their brainpower more than ordinary people. In fact, everyone can develop their thinking skills like train their brains. The key is just the will and hard work. There are some tips how to be a genius person below.

Be Curious for Anything

Being curious for anything is the first tips how to be a genius. You can ask questions anytime you do not get the point of something you discuss about with your friends or others. It will lead you to find answers and make discoveries.

According to research, children with high curiosity get higher IQ when they are older than children who have lower level of curiosity. Being a curious will boosts your intelligence and give you skills in solving problem.

Know Your Passion

Passion is important for you to be a genius. You do not need to good at everything to be a genius. Know your passion and train it every day also will make you become a genius. This is the second tips of how to be a genius person that you need to follow.

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Take your time for something you good at. Find something that make you excited to do it every day. It will be a start for you to be a genius.

Read Less Do More

Read is necessary for us in getting more knowledge. But it will limit yourself in developing yourself. You need to try to do more. There is no book that teach you to be a genius. Action is the only thing that teach you through success or failure. Getting information only will help you to learn more. This is the third tips of how to be a genius you need to know.

Listen to the Music

Listening to the music is the great way to improve our right brain in learning. This is the fourth tips for you how to be a genius you need to follow. According to the research, music lessons can improve our intelligence and school achievement of a child. We will get more obvious result if we learn it longer.

Surround Yourself with Genius People

Make interaction with genius people will make you understand how to learn something from other people. Try to talk to them or make discussion with them. If you routinely do it, you will get used to it. It will be the beginning for you to become a genius. This is the fifth tips how to be a genius you need to follow.

Have Enough Sleep

The last tips of how to be a genius person is have enough of sleep. It may seems unimportant to make us to become a genius. But have good enough of sleep can help us to relax our brain. As the consequence, your brain will learn something faster and you can be more genius day by day.

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By learning all these tips, hope it can give you a clear image about how to be a genius for you and other people you want to tell about how to be a genius.
