Social Work CEU Credits – Getting the Continuing Education Courses to Maintain the License

Social Work CEU Credits – Getting the Continuing Education Courses to Maintain the License

Social workers have to renew their licenses and work hard to achieve the highest level of professionalism. It is a tough job and the continuing education courses also help people to connect to other colleagues and learn skills for dealing with burnout.. Social workers can work in many different areas such as case management, medical intervention, psychotherapy, welfare and community organizing. This requires the social work CEUs. CEUs is an abbreviation for continuing education.

Updating one’s education is an important part of this field and new trends can be emphasized in social work theory as well as current issues for client treatment. This helps clinicians to stay abreast of developments in the field so they can treat areas such as drug and alcohol addiction with the latest tools and methods. Social workers are often unappreciated but our society relies heavily on them. Removal of children from abusive situations and counseling juvenile delinquents is one of their key roles in our society. We often times forget about their jobs we see a case on television where orphaned children abused or neglected.

Imagine how our society would be if no one was giving counseling to these young people and working to change negative situations to positive ones. One recent statistic is that over forty million people are currently in jail in the United States. Imagine how many more people would be in jail if it wasn’t for people getting counseling and perspective that provides alternatives to violence and drug abuse behaviors.

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Professional credit hours are a key to developing new ways to handle difficult situations with clients. Course credit hours include case management, community development, relationship education, professional practice modeling and other courses. These are all tools for dealing with those with mental illnesses, difficult childhood backgrounds and challenging situations. Classes are given on weekends and evenings in many towns as well as online towards meeting the CEU requirements. All states have different requirements for maintaining the msw license. In Florida, every two years thirty credits are required. There are usually five specific credits listed and the rest are elective credits. Certain states in the US do not require courses to maintain their license but many are implementing this requirement.

Recently I taught a class on the how to use meditation and yoga for depression and there was a strong interest in this area. You can find a number of interesting courses that will both fulfill the requirements for license renewal as well as help you gain new tools for working with clients.
