Tips to write quickly the approach of the problem of a thesis

Are you currently writing your thesis and have difficulties in generating the content well than you have to search for writing customessaymeister, to facilitate this writing process are important to be concise in what you are really researching and proposing? The approach of the problem is one of the most important chapters in the work of degree or thesis, since it is the one in charge of laying the foundations for all the development of the content. To begin it is important that you have clarity on the subject that you are going to approach for the investigation.

An important part of the teaching work is to advise and read theses. In the initial stages you have to bounce ideas over and over again with the students. Towards final drafts, what is obvious are questions of form and small nuts of wisdom that need to be highlighted, or put in context the findings once they have rested for a few days after the long sleep of the thesis.

About the approach

Within the approach of the problem it is fundamental to structure the problem of your research, that is, to specify and describe the situation in detail, with the aim of proposing a feasible solution the first indications of it.

One of the most practical ways to carry out adequate development of a problem approach is to give a strong response to the following questions:

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1. Where is my research carried out?

(Geographical, socio-economic, cultural delimitation, etc…

2. How?

Here we specify the way in which the problem has developed and if there have been previous investigations.

3. When? Time frame

The adequate development of these three questions facilitates the contextualization of all your work of degree or thesis, which is the origin or basis of the other chapters that follow it. It also facilitates the generation of a common thread that the reader can detect with the naked eye.

The way matters:

  • The literature review should not be broader than your evidence + analysis + discussion of results.
  • Your introduction should not look like a literature review but a movie trailer.
  • Do not leave your central hypothesis until page 13. It is not a suspense story.
  • The introduction should give a glimpse of your question and your findings: no mysteries. Later you must convince the reader that your hypothesis is well framed in the existing literature and that your findings are properly interpreted.
  • The conclusion is very similar to the introduction: summarize your findings but add something more: what did you lack? What will happen in the next iteration of this line of research?
  • The introduction and perhaps a little more in the conclusion is where more literary licenses can take you. Hopefully not many remember that you want to push the frontier of academic literature.

About the Quantitative Evidence:

  • If the statistically expected effect does not appear in a crossed table, it will hardly appear with your model-rocket-science.
  • Include a table or graph with the descriptive statistics of your dependent variables and the main explanatory variables.
  • Each table or figure deserves a clear and sufficiently explanatory title.
  • It often happens that, after collecting hundreds of data and doing a more or less sophisticated analysis, you do not find the effect you expected with your hypotheses-motivated by all those literature review pages.
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