What’s Really Important to You?

What’s Really Important to You?

Our family recently experienced a rather unexpected and sudden loss. My husband’s 38 year old cousin suddenly passed away due to complications of pneumonia. It’s never easy to lose someone, but when they are so young, vibrant, and seem to have so much ahead of them it feels especially hard. She was very close to my age, so it really hit home. I’ve spent some time reflecting on just how precious my time on this earth really is and the importance of savoring all I have right now. I happened to recently hear the song 100 Years by Five for Fighting on the radio and it echoed this sentiment.

If you’ve not heard this song, or haven’t heard it in a while, the words to 100 Years are really powerful. It’s worth a listen.

The song chronicles the various “seasons” of life, beginning with age 15 through 100. The main theme is that we’re always chasing the next place in our lives instead of really enjoying where we are right now. When we finally arrive at that next place, it’s just for a moment and we don’t fully experience it.

Have you ever thought, “If I could just…” or “If only I had done (fill in the blank) then I’d be happy; or then I would have a better direction; or be able to pursue my greatest ambition?” But that someday never comes. No one sets out to get to the end of their life with a song still in their heart, with words left unsaid, or a dream unrealized. We are just so busy living and existing we sometimes forget what’s most precious until it’s gone.

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Enjoying each moment, incorporating your purpose and passion, and living a significant life can seem like an unattainable goal. I’m here to tell you it’s NOT! It is possible! But there is no quick fix. It’s more of a life journey than an end point destination. The journey begins by taking some time to be still and reflect on the top 1 – 5 things that matter MOST to you. If you were 99 years old looking back on your life, what would make you feel as though:

-you made a difference

-you impacted others with your skills and talents

and really counted?

-what dream or injustice do you long to achieve or right?

-what is the legacy you want to leave your family or the world?

Jot down the 5 things that matter most to you and then answer the following questions for each one:

-How will I feel when I achieve this?

-Who, besides me, will this impact?

-What’s the cost of NOT striving for this?

-Who do I need to be in order to succeed?

-What’s one step I can take today towards this goal?

With any journey, there is a first step, and I encourage you to take it. Please don’t end up at “..99 for a moment. Dying for just another moment…dreaming and counting the ways to where you are.” Every day IS a new day. An opportunity to be who and what you’ve always dreamed possible.
