Working From Home As a Writer – Finding the Right Structure

Working From Home As a Writer – Finding the Right Structure

Working from home seems like such a breeze doesn’t it? You can get up whenever you want to, spend the day in bed if you like, write whenever the mood takes you… and work whatever hours feel right.

But it doesn’t really work out like that, does it? If you already work from home as a writer you will know that it takes a lot of work and discipline to make it a successful career. You cannot afford to be distracted by anything else that could be going on. If you have articles that need to be written and sold so you can pay the mortgage, then you must discipline yourself enough to be able to write them.

Structure is the best thing to focus on. The more you can structure your day, the more chance you have of finishing all the jobs you set yourself to do. It can be tricky getting the balance right though. For example you might set yourself too much to do all the time. This results in getting stressed as you cannot achieve all those writing goals. Working from home is an amazing experience – but it can also be a nightmare if you cannot get the balance right.

In contrast if you don’t set enough work to do you won’t earn what you need to earn to pay the bills. It can take time to figure out the best balance of work versus home life but it is worth persevering. Try not to take on too many online writing gigs to start with. Build up slowly and go from there – it is a much better way to try and find the right balance for you.

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You don’t have to work the same number of hours in the same places each day if you don’t want to. But you should at least have some kind of writing structure in place to enable you to write and sell articles or eBooks or whatever else you happen to be writing.

Every writer finds their own structure and way of working that suits them. But be sure you don’t forget about your home life at the same time. It is very easy to let that line blur – but if you do you will struggle to draw it again.

Working from home as a self employed online writer is one of the best jobs in the world. But remember that you do have total control over how much or little work you take on. So remember that and make sure you create a schedule that suits this fact.
