How Do I Start a Plus Size Modeling Career?

How Do I Start a Plus Size Modeling Career?

The modeling industry is not exclusive to skinny women who abhor burgers and only eat rabbit food. If you are a size twelve and above woman, you can still get into the modeling industry. In recent years, the full figured woman is becoming more appreciated because the masses can see now see through the body ideals that mass media has been shoving down people’s throats. “Real” bodies are now appearing on the catwalks. So how do you get into plus size modeling?

The first thing you need to do is find out how many modeling agencies are in your area. You should then call them up and find out if they also represent full size models. Schedule to meet with the ones that do so you can figure out if it will be to your advantage signing up with them. Make sure you have taken some headshots of yourself as you will need to carry these to the modeling agencies. The headshots should be done by a professional photographer who will flatter your figure. Take several outfits for the shoot so that you can get your headshots with several looks.

While you are scouring for modeling agencies, you could also try to find some part time modeling work for the time being. Visit your local shopping malls and enquire if they need live in house models. You could wear the clothes from the plus size department and strut around the store so that the customers can get a better look at the fit. This may not give you catwalk experience, but it will give you something to put in your resume. Not to mention that the extra money could come in handy in your attempts to further your plus size modeling career.

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Do not quit your day job! Before models start having a lucrative career they have to attend hundreds of auditions and it may even take up to a year before you get regular modeling gigs. For this reason, you should retain your nine to five as you will still need to pay the bills.

When going for auditions, make sure you go fresh faced and dressed in clothes that flatter your figure. You should also have your headshots with you and your resume. Your pictures should include one full body shot, one in swim wear and a close up of your face. All three should be as glamorous as possible as these will stay with the casting directors and they are what they will us e to remember you. Remember to always let your personality come through when you go for the auditions. If you are pleasant, sassy and confident you will definitely make an impression. Making a good impression increases the chances of the casting director wanting to work with you. Maybe not necessarily for the job you have auditioned for, but they could remember you and contact you for something that would be better suited for you.

Never give up! The more auditions you attend, the higher your chances of breaking into the industry.
