How Long Does It Take to Write a Book?

We actually don’t know how long does it take to write a book. It sounds impossible to know the exact time when you are the only one who can predict it. We can take the examples from the famous books in the world. The Strange Case by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson took 6 days to finish the book. The others are even longer in some months and years like the Lord of The Rings Trilogy. But there are  some answers why your writing could be done faster or longer.

It Depends on How Often You Write

Because you don’t know yet how does it take to write a book, you should look at the way you write. Do you do it in full time or on the weekend only? It truly takes times and thoughts to write  a novel or book. That’s why choosing the time is the first step if you want to know how long does it take to write a book. The more often you write, you also can understand how long does it take to write a book.

It Depends on What Genre You Choose

How long does it take to write a book? It also takes much time to write difficult genre of books. Which one is you think the most difficult to write? Romance, horror, science fiction, or fantasy? But you can’t avoid the hardest one because you also should look at which genre that readers want to read? Fantasy is the example of best seller in all around the world. Who don’t know Game Of Throne or Harry Potter? Both of them are based on the book that you can see on television or movie. Of course George R. R. Martin and J.K Rowling spent much times to write their book. So, you have to focus on what genre you choose in knowing how long does it take to write a book.

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It Depends on Your Revision

How does it take to write a book? The last answer your writing could be done longer or faster is it depends on your revision. It’s actually not the end of the step in writing a book. That’s why you need a clear planning to revise the whole story you’ve wrote. You can do it as soon as possible if you want to know how long does it take to write a book.
