Music Careers – How to Form a Band – Seven Tips to Getting Started

Music Careers – How to Form a Band – Seven Tips to Getting Started

If you have been learning to play an instrument and are thinking that you’d love to play in a band, you can audition for bands or you can follow my seven easy tips and form a band yourself. It will take some time and effort, but it’s not that difficult to do.

1. Finding People

If you are lucky enough to have friends that also play, that can be an excellent place to start looking. If not, start posting ads — your local music store may be a good location. Make use of the free Kijiji ads on the internet. Music clubs, folk clubs and open stages all can be great ways to meet musicians, and possibly find other players who also want to form a band.

2. Instrumentation

A typical band set-up has a singer, a rhythm player (guitar or keyboards), a bass player and a drummer. You often see more than one guitarist, or a guitarist and a keyboard combination. Be open to all possibilities. I choose people rather than instruments. Let the band create itself.

3. Skill Requirements

It’s best to find people close to your own skill level. Some musicians get into this “who’s the hottest” mentality and will drop one person for another because “he’s hotter!” That’s headed for trouble. Sometimes it is necessary to let someone go if they are not pulling their weight, but that is a different story.

Taking on someone without any skill whatsoever will, of course, take longer to get going. Bottom line for me, is picking the person first. Pick someone who’s dependable, honest and someone you like to be around. Remember that you will be spending a fair bit of time together.

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4. Picking a Leader

It’s a good practice to have a band leader. If you are the organizer and have gathered the band together, it might just be a natural thing for you to be the leader. A leader should be a bit of an organizer and a go getter — someone who gets things done. The leader doesn’t make all the decisions, but keeps the group focused and on track.

5. Song List

Picking songs you like is important. You won’t be able to play songs with conviction and sincerity, if you don’t really like them. It’s good to have some variety. Let band members bring suggestions of songs they’d like to play. Let your sound represent the entire group.

6. Choosing a Name

The choice of name always seems so important, but really the band and how you sound is far more important to everyone else. Just make sure that you’re all comfortable and happy with it. Choose a name and try it on for awhile and see how it feels.

7. Working as a group

It is important to have loyalty towards the group. Make sure that you all talk positively about each other. Never discuss anyone’s weaknesses in front of audiences or during breaks. Even if you become frustrated with a particular member, take an encouraging approach, instead. Try to inspire them to improve. If you have taken on the role of leader — that is your job. You’ll be better off for it in the end. Encourage and support each other.

And that’s how you do it. It will take some time, and effort. Use my seven easy tips and form a band or your own. Let the fun begin! You might even end up with a career in music.

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