Online Education – Becoming Widely Used in the Workplace As Continuing Education

Online Education – Becoming Widely Used in the Workplace As Continuing Education

Online learning is also known as e-learning today. This also allows individuals who have their own business to continually update their education while they work their business. This gives corporations more flexibility because they don’t have the extra funds to pay for his individuals to continually attend classes off campus. Before any learning became widely used, you found training company is sending out brochures companies offering classes on different topics for a fee. Companies paid for their employees to take these classes, which meant a loss of time from work, be cool is if they may have to travel out of town to attend these classes. That meant it was not only the loss of that day but could have been more like a weeks worth of work being lost. Because even though it may have been just a day long class, there was the expense of meals, plus travel time, plus hotel stay.

These same trainers who contracted with companies to present these classes are today working for themselves, promoting their presentations, and then conducting these classes from home. All you have to do is register with a company like instant teleseminar and or go to meeting and upload your PowerPoint presentations to conduct your hour-long classes. Instead of it being an eight hour class where the individual loses a whole day of work, these classes are often presented on hourly basis over an eight week period, so the individual is getting the same training without the added expense and loss of time from work.

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This is just an example of how technology has changed the workplace for the better and how it can be incorporated into a day without the loss of time from work so the individual can stay on deadline for any project they are working on and still get the education they need to improve their skills. This way individuals can keep up with their skills to improve their value to a company and the company doesn’t have to fall by hiding in the time allotted to complete a project.

In a down economy companies cannot afford to change a deadline just to allow their employees to receive the training they need. You cannot plan a webinar to improve your communication skills, learn how to sell better, learn to build strong relationships, learn to improve your time management skills, learn to reduce personal stress in your life, and also to improve how you listen in the workplace. When we don’t understand how all of behavior affects our coworkers or how to communicate in a style that they understand, then conflict can erupt which can cause more problems over a long period of time; which by having individuals attend webinars they can receive the training in their problem areas.

Even when you have your own business and you need to learn to improve your sales skills you can attend webinars from the comfort of your home to improve the skills. It’s also a way to get the training from the top experts in the field without having to pay them thousands of dollars just for that expertise.

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This way if you are an expert in a field and he need to earn a living and have expertise on a specific topic you can create articles, e-books, and training programs with the use of software on your computer, and then present these programs through tele-seminars and webinars and work with many people, as opposed to just a few at a time and earn more money, because you offer a free hour program, which can be used to promote your paid program, and offer a discount to their first five or 10 that purchase your program which in the next 24 hours, and be able to have 200 people in your class, plus also be creating a product you can sell at a later date to people who don’t attend your program, but also need the training. So this isn’t what just occurred by you working from home as a professional speaker and trainer– you are not taking away the time from your family because you are working from home, you have the opportunity to earn an income and reach more people who can become your clients and also refer clients to you.

When they have referred clients to you- you can paint them a commission as an affiliate which also gives them an opportunity to earn extra income after they have taken your classes and become a partner with you in your business. Then you can also set up a joint venture with them so you can also earn extra income helping them promote their programs.

This is how technology and e-learning have combined to help companies keep up their employee’s expertise in the workplace, plus it has also allowed speakers and trainers to earn a living with out having to spend a lot of time traveling and loss of time with your family. Technology has become a part of our lives on a daily basis and will continue to be a part of our lifestyle long into the future.

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