Before you start to write a novel, you have to know the steps in creating novel. Here, we will discuss about how to write a novel. There is no definite formula in creating novel but commonly there are some steps that we can learn


We do not have to focus on outline because it will make you stuck in creating a story. It will make your idea stingy only on one idea. But beside this unfavorable side, it also has the good side. It will make your writing stay in the order.


If you want to create an interesting story, you have to pay attention about the characterization. It is because it has a big role in the process of the story. There are two characterizations, protaghony and antaghony. The prothagonist is the good character while the antaghonist is the bad character or we can say it as cruel character.


In literary work such as novel, setting is very important. It is because it affects the plot of the story. Setting is not only about location. But it is also about the time and situation.


Point of view is the point of the writer in creating the characters in the story. There are three kinds of point of view. The first is the first person point of view, it uses the pronouns I and We. The next is the second person point of view, it uses the pronoun you. The last one is the third person point of view, it uses the pronoun he, she, it, they, or a name.

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We can say that plot is storyline in the literary work such as novel. There are some parts in plot that are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.
