You Can Get Jobhunter’s Block As Easily As a Writer Gets Writer’s Block

You Can Get Jobhunter’s Block As Easily As a Writer Gets Writer’s Block

You know the feeling. You have been out of work for a couple of months and are still trying to grapple with the feelings of rejection, isolation and battered self confidence. You’ve applied for a number of jobs, contacted any number of recruiters, registered on a mass of job boards but in spite of a few interviews there is no sign of a job. What to do?

From twenty years in this business I know that this can be one of the most thought provoking times of your life. So many conflicting thoughts can run through your mind. When will I get another job? Do I really want to return to the corporate scene? Could I make a living as a consultant? Should I start a business? Should I look at franchises?

My contention is that you cannot treat the symptom without identifying the cause. There can be many reasons why people do not actually want to return to the ” corporate scene ” not least of which is that they fear the rejection again. There may be many reasons why people want the comfort of a job. There may be many reasons why people suddenly want to just say goodbye to their whole lifestyle and run a B and B in a remote part of the country. Again, one of my credos is “Never make a life changing decision whilst under this type of stress.”

A first step is to find out who you are and from that what you are really looking for. Psychometric tests can provide very deep insights into your inner self and with that your motivations. Here an experienced career consultant or coach can provide the mirror to hold up and to help you understand yourself. I know there are reams of books on the subject of self help and realisation, but self analysis is rarely accurate and can be downright dangerous from a career perspective.

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The best plan is to find a good career coach who can provide lots of testimonials. An expert like this can take you through a structured process of exploring all your options, all the while acting as mentor and guide. Human beings and particularly their motivations are complex areas to explore. Only the very best should be trusted with the health of your mind!
